A corner

August 2, 2011




Perfect Reading Spots

June 13, 2010

My top picks:

Of course nothing beats the comfort of your own bed!

[Image via: The Style Files]

but lounging in the other corner of your bedroom by that gorgeous window is not too bad either!

[Image via: Paris Perfect]

or your at-home-escapade day bed:

[Photo credit: John Gruen, image via: Laurel Brooks Cabrera]

The super comfy sunroom sofa:

The bathtub??

[Image via: Cool Magazine]

Your country house porch:

[Image via: Unique Unique Design]

by the fireplace:

[Image via: Mochatini]

please bear with my obsession, but I had to include an Eames Chair :)

[Image via: The Smart Fish]

aaaand last but not least a hammock by the beach:

[Image via: Demo Girl]

What’s your favorite reading spot???